As 2021 ends and 2022 begins we wanted to give you a preview of what our year is going to look like! Keep up with all of our projects by joining our GroupMe and following us on Facebook and Instagram.
ALL YEAR LONG projects:
1) Collecting Hygiene & Gift Cards (150+ children/families per MONTH)
2)Collecting Peanut Free Snacks (NEED 440 per WEEK)
MONTH based projects:
*FEBRUARY- Valentine Candy Bags (150 kids)
*APRIL- Easter Eggs (1000 filled)
*MAY- End of Year School Project - food/ hygiene/home goods
*JULY - Back To School BackPacks / School Supplies (300+ kids)
*OCTOBER - Halloween Candy Bags (150 kids)
*NOVEMBER- Thanksgiving Meal baskets & gift cards (75 families)
*DECEMBER- Christmas Gifts (150+ children)
10) **BROKEN TABLES PROJECT** (ONCE a month) - coming together as a diverse community to eat, fellowship, encourage, and empower some of our most vulnerable in our neighborhoods / community on a consistent basis to develop community, trust, and share resources.